There is a series of questions we can put ourselves through to determine where we are in alignment with the right and left brain, our conscious and unconscious mind. It's like a lie detector test and helps us develop an awareness of how we are being dishonest with ourselves.  It helps show us where we still carry beliefs that are not true and where we are in denial that we believe them.                                                                                                          

Do I think I want to allow myself to receive _______________________?
Do I feel I want to allow myself to receive ________________________?

Do I think I can allow myself to receive __________________________?
Do I feel I can allow myself to receive   __________________________?

The first & third questions, "think," are checking the left brain [logical mind] and the second & fourth questions, "feel," are checking the right brain [creative mind]; you answer the question "yes" or "no," this is your conscious mind; and then you dowse your answer to see if it is "true" or "false," checking your unconscious mind, higher self.  [This helps you see if you are in alignment with your internal guidance.   Are you honest with yourself?]  It’s important to note you are not bad or wrong if not truthful, usually you’re just unaware. (Easy to correct with this now awareness!)

Yes True Alignment.  No saboteur!  No perpetrations (beliefs you hold to be true that aren’t).
No False Your answer is actually yes and you are deceiving yourself.  This is your saboteur! You have uncovered a misperception and hopefully this awareness will correct your misperception and put you into alignment.  Recheck to be sure.
Yes False Misalignment. You'll want to explore your belief system to see where you are holding a false belief or a judgment.  The magic of this is when you uncover the truth your energy shifts and you become aware of your true self (source energy), which is free and joyful and your reality changes.  Recheck and track until aligned.
No True Alignment with the perpetration. You'll want to explore your belief system to see where you are holding a false belief or a judgment that you can’t have what you want or some other untruth.  The magic of this is when you uncover the truth you switch.  Recheck  and track until aligned with what you want.

    As you explore your beliefs you'll want to run the beliefs through this system until you are in alignment with the truth, at which time, as if by magic, your energy shifts and you experience the freedom of choice to be your joyful self. (Feedback has proven the shifts to create new realities that are permanent!)   Keep re-checking and exploring until you are clear on all levels.   This is not to say the old beliefs and patterns will not show up again, but what is true is you have an opportunity to be with it in a different way and so it doesn’t matter if it shows up.   If it doesn’t matter it probably will not show up anyway and if it does it doesn’t matter!

    THINK = Left brain = 20% of who we are = conscious
    FEEL = Right brain = 80% of who we are = unconscious

    Happy clearing.  Be gentle, loving and non-judgmental as you enlighten yourself.  With each false belief you clear, you clear the path to flow more pure positive energy not only for yourself but for the entire planet.  You’ll radiate well being and more love, light, joy, peace and happiness.  And you will attract more of same to yourself!
Yours in Love and Light,

Teri Mister,  Founder
P.O. Box 651, Puunene, Hi.  96784                       
email: terimister@hawaii.rr.com   
(808) 891-2494                                                      

 Revised 3/17/09

Copyright 2002, Teri Mister