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Universal Laws



We've all heard, "like attracts like." Well, let's extrapolate that to whatever energy we vibrate is what we attract to us. So if we are vibrating in LOVE (well being, abundance, joy, inner peace, appreciation, knowing we are enough, etc.) we experience an open flow of energy or if we are vibrating in FEAR (lack, doubt, anger, frustration, sense of not enough, etc.) we experience a constricted flow of energy and that is what we attract to us. We might say that, basically, we are vessels or channels of energy and have valves which we open to allow the flow of universal energy and experience well being or LOVE in all it's forms or we close the valve and experience FEAR in all it's forms. This is done solely based on our thoughts. What we experience now is a result of what we thought or felt before. What we create in the future is a result of what we think and feel now. Through our THOUGHTS NOW we create how we feel which CREATES THE ENERGY vortexes of our future. Hence, "RIGHT NOW IS THE BEGINNING OF THE REST OF OUR LIVES!" We are capable of creating and attracting anything we desire.

Another concept important to remember is that WHAT WE FOCUS ON EXPANDS. So, only spend as much time focusing on what is not wanted long enough to identify what is wanted! Then switch your FOCUS to what is wanted. Feel it, experience it as if it were already so. Where our focus is IS what we attract to us. What we resist persists because we are focusing on it Through my experiences and desires to simplify my understanding of what is happening in life I discovered there are two realities, one based in love and one based in fear. Neither is right or wrong they are just different ways of living life. One is filled with more joy and happiness and the other with pain and suffering. We choose which reality we want more of by the focus of our thoughts and energies. I prefer love and therefore pay more attention to what will bring more love and joy into my life. I notice what thoughts separate me from it and change my thoughts to focus back on what I want more of, which is LOVE/JOY. It's always my choice, I AM NOT A VICTIM!

The universe doesn't know NO. It responds to what you focus on not whether you are saying yes or no. If you are judging the ills of the world as wrong or bad and you're trying to change it, notice where your focus is. Move from focusing on the problem - focus on solutions and solutions are what you will have more of.


We can, through conscious creation, create what we want. We are always creating what we want although mostly unconsciously. Some of what we get we think we don't want, but in truth, if we accept responsibility for creating it we will discover that we created out of default or unconscious beliefs. By taking responsibility (without blame) we can create differently for our future. If we want to know what we think or believe unconsciously we need only look at our present creations/realities. We are not victims to our present reality. We have only been unconscious about our creating. To shift the energy it's important to remember we are NOT VICTIMS and to look at what we don't want only long enough to help us identify what we do want. We came into physicality to continue our interpretation of vibrations with the modalities of touch, taste, feel, smell, and sight; to experience the changes in energy sensations based on our choice of thoughts and to learn how to consciously flow energy. Again, we are experiencing energy vortexes now that we created by our thoughts and feelings in the past. It's not good or bad it is just an experience of allowing the flow of energy or not. We can CHOOSE to DELIBERATELY CREATE what we want for our FUTURE by taking responsibility for creating our REALITIES and paying attention to our thoughts NOW. To make the shift it is important to accept that we are ALWAYS GETTING WHAT WE WANT. This is sometimes (up until now!) hard to accept, especially if there is judgement involved, but if we keep doing things the way we've always done them we'll keep getting the same results. Let go of judgements and try a new perception. Be the master of your mind rather than your mind mastering you! Listen to the spirit within!


Allowing what? Allowing source energy to flow through us. It's an art to keep ourselves vibrating in concert with our joy in order to manifest what we want and allowing others the right to choose how they want to flow their energy. Trusting in Divine Right Action or the Law of Attraction ALWAYS taking place, it is only our judgement about an experience that gives it any meaning. In my reality, energy is either flowing (feel good) or not (feel bad) and if not I want and am committed to opening my valve to experience the full potential of pure, positive, source energy flowing through me at all times. I take responsibility for how I flow energy and I am no longer willing to use you or anything else to be my excuse for stopping the flow through me. I can then allow you to choose how you want to flow your energy. Where or how we vibrate our energy is who or what we draw to us (the law of attraction). Therefore, we need not fear someone else's reality inflicting on ours. We can focus on consciously creating our future realities, allowing present circumstances to guide us, and allow others to do the same. Remember, what we focus on expands, so if we're focusing on things we don't want and are trying to change it, we're pushing against and because of the focus are actually creating more of the same. Take the experience, allow it's beingness and if it's not what you want, focus long enough to identify what you do want and SWITCH your FOCUS to what you do want or what makes you feel good so you keep the flow going. ALLOWING OPENS the valve, JUDGING CLOSES the valve.

How do we know how we are flowing our energy? By how we feel. My belief is that we are spirits having a human experience. We can only hold one thought at a time and the way spirit communicates with us is through feeling; we can think and feel at the same time. We have two feelings, either expanded, LOVE (feels good) or contracted, FEAR (doesn't feel so good). When we are on the path of our purpose we feel free, happy, flowing, loving, trusting (the valve is open for energy to flow through our vessels freely) we are allowing spirit to move through us. When we go off point (meaning not creating what we want which is inner peace, happiness & love) we feel contracted, fearful, untrusting, frustrated, angry (the valve is closed and energy is stuck in our "body bags") and spirit is communicating to us that we are off point (this happens when we buy into the illusion that something outside ourselves will give us inner peace, happiness & love). We are holding spirit in limitation. Spirit wants us to know that by creating open valves for the energy to move through us we are unlimited. It's important to know and remember that the flow of energy is from BEING to DOING to HAVING. We bought into the belief that we had to do something in order to be love(d). You can now choose to change the flow. Choose to remember you are NOT A VICTIM! Choose to first BE love! Next, you will DO what loving people do and you will then HAVE love from the inside out. CONDITIONAL LOVE says circumstances outside me have to change for me to feel love. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE says circumstances outside me don't need to change for me to feel love. Passion is great desire with no resistance. Anger or rage is great desire with a lot of resistance.

How does all this affect our dowsing? Doubt is usually what blocks dowsing and it's clear here that doubt blocks the flow of energy. DOWSING IS working with the energy so if it is constricted it would definitely affect results.

How do we create a shift? The fastest way to shift energy is to go into appreciation. An ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE will do wonders. Identify what you don't want so you can shift your energy to what you do want. i.e. If you are having trouble with your dowsing -- stop -- notice how you feel (probably fear of not doing it right or fear of getting wrong answers [not trusting]) -- appreciate your commitment to truth, appreciate the opportunity to dowse, appreciate whatever comes to mind until you feel the energy shift -- now state what you want (I want to trust my dowsing, I want clear accurate answers, I want truth, I want to be able to use this tool to create more clarity in my life, etc.) -- now affirm (I trust my dowsing, I am grateful for being a clear channel for spirit to move through me, I trust my answers, etc.). Do it anytime you are in doubt, as many times as necessary, remember we are not victims: We can be conscious creators.

Happy creating. Yours in Love and Light,
Teri Mister

Copyright 2002, Teri Mister