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Universal Laws


You always have the freedom to decide your own attitude. There is no person, no law, no wall, no prison, no labor, no circumstances that can prevent you from exercising control over your own mind.

Your circumstances do not control you. You control you. The world around you is as good, or as bad, as you decide to make it. You could be born in a palace and end up making nothing of your life or you could grow up in a slum and rise to become a person of great accomplishment.

You can be patient amid frustration. You can be focused amid confusion. You can be disciplined amid debauchery. You can be positive in the face of despair and loving in the face of hatred.

The person you are inside does not depend on the things happening on the outside. A life of success comes from remaining steadfast to your own purpose and using, rather than being consumed by, the whims of circumstance.

Copyright (c) 1997 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.
Reprinted by permission of the author. This article originally appeared in "The Daily Motivator," on the Internet at http://www.greatday.com

Passed on By Teri Mister

Passed on by Teri Mister