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Universal Laws


All beings want to live in harmony. Every thought and action has a positive intent.

Everything is energy. In THAT we are all one.

Everything has a vibration rate and polarity spin. We are energy bodies and each has it's own unique rate of vibration and polarity spin patterns.

Our thoughts and emotions create our realities. Thoughts create our vibrational rate and we draw to us what we vibrate.

We either create consciously or by default but we are always creating.

Energy fields contract or expand depending on whether one is experiencing harmony or disharmony.

Muscles are strong or weak depending on whether one is experiencing harmony or disharmony.

Dowsing is communicating with non-physical energy of which we are the furthest extension.

What we believe IS. Intention is our greatest source of power.
We have an innate intelligence that can regenerate all our cells which proposes the possibility that we can live with vitality and health forever in physical form (if we choose).

Our bodies break down on the etheric level first and the physical follows, therefore we can make corrections on the etheric level and the body will follow.

Disease is not the presence of something evil, it is the absence of something essential.

What we focus on expands. What we resist persists!

Allowing = feeling good. Tolerating = feeling bad.

There is no such thing as a victim. Only volunteers!

An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE creates a vibration of WELL BEING.
How would I be doing this differently if I were willing to let it be easy?

How do I bring my spirit, joy, happiness to THIS which I judge as taking away my joy?

Think no thought toward another you would not wish held for yourself.

All that you judge weakens you. All that you love strengthens you.

There is an abundance of all we desire on this physical plane. I am here to be easeful, joyful and abundant.

Today my past does not rule my choices.

We cannot "mis-experience" anything; we can only misinterpret what we experience.

I am limitless in all my thoughts and actions. I am powerful and magical in my manifestations.

LOVE vs. FEAR: Three core beliefs that create the illusion of separation: "I'm not good enough!," I'm not loveable!," and "There's something wrong with me!" We're busy either trying to prove they're true or busy trying to prove they're not true. In any case, this is the illusion we create which manifests as FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real), separation from LOVE. Our choice is to continue to act out these beliefs that are not true or choose to remember we ARE LOVE! There is nothing for us to prove in truth! The more I let go of my fear the more I experience well being. In the absence of fear LOVE IS!


Copyright 2002, Teri Mister